Icon SlideToUnlockX


  • Identifier com.xcxiao.slidetounlockx
  • Added Date 1:05 AM August 11, 2017
  • Updated Date 4:48 PM January 1, 2019
  • Free package
  • 0.00/5 (0 vote)

  • RepositoryBigBoss
  • Author XCXiao
  • SectionTweaks
  • Version 1.0.5-3
  • Architecture iOS
  • Size 114.75 Kb
  • Installed-Size 667
  • Depends mobilesubstrate, preferenceloader, firmware (>= 10.0)
  • Priority optional
  • Compatibility iOS 10+


Bring Slide To Unlock Back To iOS 10.

Version History

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