Icon BitchX


  • Identifier bitchx
  • Added Date 10:48 PM January 13, 2019
  • Free package
  • 0.00/5 (0 vote)

  • RepositoryBingner/Elucubratus
  • SectionNetworking
  • Version 1.2.1-1
  • Architecture iOS
  • Size 1.07 Mb
  • Installed-Size 11728
  • Pre-Depends dpkg (>= 1.14.25-8)
  • Depends ncurses
  • Priority optional


incredibly common IRC attack client

Version History

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  • Download BitchX version 1.2.1-110:48 PM January 13, 2019
    Architecture iOS
    MD5 b9397167b1a4c9b980851607b9444d00
    SHA1 1d7d02092fd1fbc6336686c8254b332651002e77
    SHA256 9ca195933d6a2bc9b249d5761db467a7e5b7ecb4910713cc933ed749ce3d85a7

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